Wednesday 4 June 2014

How to start a commercial Pig Farming Business In Nigeria

Pig production business in Lagos state alone has the potential of generating about $2 billion (N300 billion) annually. Gbolahan Lawal, the commissioner for Agric, Lagos state revealed this recently at a forum in Lagos organise by the Commercial Agric Development (CADP) team.
Currently two piggery settlements exist in the state. These are Oke Aro and Gberigbe in Alimosho and Ikorodu local government areas respectively) with a total of 250 pens being managed by 1200 farmers of the total 2,350 pig farmers in the state.
Pig farmers are also spread across Ojo, Alimoso, Badagry and Ikorodu local government areas; that the state has a total of 205,696 pigs of which about 43 percent are reared in the Oke Aro and Gberigbe estates.
Oke Aro Pig Farm Settlement has the largest concentration of pig farmers in the West Africa Sub region and has patronage from as far as Republic of Benin. Leveraging on this huge potential in piggery value chain will increase pig production by 20 percent, increase sales by 30 percent as well as employment generation by 30 percent in the next five years
The Oke Aro Farm Settlement has been a good source of income for men and women that come from Oke-Aro itself, Agbado, Ope ilu and other surrounding towns and villages.
Raising pigs can be pursued as a small-scale operation as source of family meat and supplement income or it can be made into a large-scale operation. Pigs may be raised in highly controlled environments (hog lots) indoor, in open spaces or barns as breeding sows or grown and sold for slaughter to butcher shops. Here are the aspects of pig raising that a grower must carefully consider:

Choosing Piglets to Raise

Pig feeders can be obtained from stock breeders, and producers, in auctions and classified ads. Pigs are of different breeds some of them are well suited for specific environments, indoor or outdoor. Crossbred pigs tend to grow faster, consume feed more efficiently and are vigorous. When buying a feeder, choose the large and healthy looking ones, at least 25 lbs. If you are choosing a male, which is observed to grow slightly faster than females, get one that is already castrated. Male or female, they are preferably immunized. Ask the breeder for health information and stock of the breeder.

Proper Nutrition for Pigs
Pigs feed on both grains and meat. They can also be fed with cooked table scraps and vegetables. Corn is their most common food, but they could benefit from having a diet with protein from soybeans or cooked meat. Further, they grow faster with vitamins and other supplements. Piglets have higher protein requirements than mature ones. Feeds can be bought packaged and in bulk. Pigs must also have adequate supply of drinking water daily, about two to four gallons. Provide water either through a tub or automatic nipple pipe.

Ideal Housing for Pigs

Pig need housing to keep them warm during cold temperatures and to shelter them from excessive heat. Pigs are sensitive to heat and could die from heat stress. When housed indoors, temperature conditions must be well regulated. Controlled temperature conditions can help maximize growth. Cooling mechanisms for pigs can come in the form of drip water system or a wallow (for a hog pen).

Pigs can be housed indoors in individual stalls, pens (in groups or batch) or in barns. Even if the pigs are raised outdoors they would need a shelter during cold and hot weathers. The housing should have a space for feeding and bedding.

Pig Farm Sanitation

Sanitation is important to keep the pigs disease-free. A mechanism for easy cleaning and removal of waste is necessary for any type of pig housing. Some use slotted pen floors to make waste collection easy. Housing a barn and removal of manure daily are recommended. So is keeping the floor dry to reduce odor.

Rate at which a pig can be sold
After five to seven months, pigs are likely to reach ideal market weight of more than 200 lbs. They could be sold at livestock auctions or slaughtered for meat.
Apart from the challenge of sourcing for roughage, I don’t think there is any other one. The return on investment in the business is very high because a female pig gives birth to about 10 piglets twice in a year, and each piglet sells for about N3, 000 to 3,500. And at end of 5 to 6 month you a pig go for 16,000 to 18,000 depend on the weight.

Are you frustrated with the limited quality of Pig Raising books on the market? Are you disappointed again that they are difficult to follow? Not enough information? Do you have questions on raising pigs properly that need to be answered, You have tons of questions about raising pigs and you’re sick and tired of searching for information from all over the place, struggling to get the true and complete facts.
If you have any interest at all in getting a pig or piglet… and if you want to find out what type of pig you should get…or you just want to figure out whether you should get a pig or not… ....... Call Mr. Titus Odeyemi on this number 07082953503 or send your message to,

Wednesday 4 December 2013


To find a new ideas it involve mental work, i mean to create or to find a new great ideas you need to improve your ability to think clearly. For one to think clearly, they are principle and techniques to apply for new ideas to come out. These principle and techniques are what 'am going to expose to you here. In other to make it simple, i will divide this so call techniques into Five different parts. I will love you to make use of these techniques am about to share with you any-time you 're searching for answer to a problem. In the process of solving a particular problem, new idea comes out.
(1). First Insight: Dr. Thomas Edison, says Restless discontents are the first necessities of progress" The creative process start at the moment you discover problem and begin to focus on how to solve it or an activities you want to do. For example, you want to increase earning without increasing your working hour, you need to increase work done per hour and reduced time spend on a job. You want to double your business without increasing your overhead, you need to find new customers or keep more of the ones you already have. These are the typical examples of First Insight. Generating another way or ideas to solve problem may take months or years. But this first technique is very important. "Never underestimate the value of luck,but luck happen to people who know what they are looking for" says Michael Leboeuf.

(2). Preparation: Since you know where you are going, i mean now that the problem is known, next step is to do your home work and investigate as many ways as possible to solve the problem or expand the idea. Read, observe, take note, talk to people about it. Also ask question and collect information as much as you can get about issue. The more idea you can get about the subject, the better your homework, the greater is chances of your new ideas. 'am assuring you that, you will come up with the best new ideas after your thoroughly familiarize with the other's idea. This is the hardest and time consuming process of all, i will implore you to do it, because its very important. Note that "the best ideas comes to those who do their homework.
(3). Incubation: The word Incubation so familiar, you may think in medical term that is not what 'am talking here. Incubation here means allowing your subconscious to take charge while you try to let go the frustration and stress you have involve your brain and mind during the process of identification, preparation of the problem. Whenever you feel like you 're not make any progress, but that usually not the case, just part of the process.Whenever that happens, just turn everything to the subconscious. Don't do anything. You can take walk, take vacation, visit families,go out with friends, i mean let your thoughts go under ground. Lets me tell you most great decision are made at subconscious time. This process may be long or short, it will surely occur. A story most be simmer in its own juice for months or years before its ready to serve" says Edna Ferber. Whether months, years, long or short, its require by creative thinking that you give you subconscious to work in other to get great new idea or good result.

(4). Illumination: This is euphoric stage of creative process, when your subconscious suddenly deliver a smilingly great new idea to your concious mind. That's when word like, that is it! that's what 'am going to do! comes out of you mouth like stumble upon your old friend in an unexpected place, that is result of your subconscious mind deliver into your brain. It mean the great idea come at your least expected time and seems to appear out of nowhere. But the truly good insights usually occur after an extensive amount of preparation and incubation. Here are examples of those great people that allowed the process of "incubation" to work on their preparation and insight process in other to have it illuminate. Charles Darwin's theory came to him while riding in a carriage. And Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on him, while Archimedes got the insight for his law while bathing. But all these three men receive their creative insight after years of studying the problem.
(5). Verification: Once you get a new idea you need to evaluate its objective to determine if it's good or not. Like it or not, your creative process generate a lots of new ideas and most of them are what less. At this time back off your ideas and look them as objectively as possible. If it's an idea for new product or service, ask your customers what they think about it. Get as much candid and objective feedback as you can. Ask for ways to refine or improve on the idea to make it even better.I believe this technique 'ill be apply next time you are wrestling with major problem and trying to solve it. These technique base on, first, define the problem, write it down, do your homework and gather as much information,forget the problem and let your subconscious work on it. So that your mind can illuminate it for verification act of creative idea process to work on it. Here comes your new great idea. 

by Odeyemi Titus (cheun Folly).

Friday 29 November 2013



It's plainly true that leadership starts at the top, and if small business owners want their teams to act in a certain way, and if they want their company perceived in a certain way by customers, they must embody the behaviors they hope to establish," she says.

Another reason it's important for small business owners to handle this task themselves: It's critical to the success of companies both big and small, and the owners of said companies "are uniquely positioned to possess the disparate data points and have the perspective to make optimal choices for the business."

Here are a few other tasks that business and leadership experts say should not be delegated:

1. Overall responsibility

"The reality is, if you're the owner or the CEO or the senior manager or the senior supervisor of a business, the responsibility of everything that happens within that business is yours," says John Bogs, a former U.S. Marine Corps Colonel and current president of Phoenix-based Fortitude Consulting LLC. "Does that mean that you have to do everything yourself? No. Absolutely not," he adds. "But you do have to understand and accept that you’re responsible for everything that happens—or what fails to happen.

2. The development of your immediate subordinates

"Why? Because you need to know they are trained and fully capable of performing their responsibilities, Bogs explains. Leave this aspect of your business to chance, he adds, and "you're likely to see factions develop that will break off and vie for attention” and possibly become a festering wound within your organization. The moral to this particular story, according to Bogs: "You can't 'bring people up' and then leave them alone.

3. Any decision that affects your entire organization                                          
Such decisions are "yours and yours alone," stresses Bogs. "Never give anyone else the authority to make a decision that affects your entire organization," he adds. "That’s a strategic decision by definition, and as such it's yours to make. That doesn't mean you make it in a vacuum, though. You have to gather facts and input before making it, but the final decision has to be yours.


Thursday 28 November 2013


Choosing a right business is like preparing for a journey from Lagos to Abuja, you prepare in several ways.
 Also, you have to have an accurate up to- date clearer of the road from Lagos to Abuja, just as important , you want to make sure that your vehicles is capable of getting you there in good time and in an enjoyable way. Therefore, your journey to financial freedom is very similar. You have to start off with the right plan and the belief that you can get from where you are to where you want to be. But you also need a vehicle that capable o getting you there in good time and in a way that is satisfying you.

 In short, you have to have a home base business that is for you. Before, we I can move further let’s consider some point. A serious Word of Caution If you read magazine, listen to the radio or watch television, you will find no shortage of people selling home base business opportunities and information on how to make money working from home, Common promises are that you can make a fortune from, lottery, gambling, placing ads, reading books and working with your personal computers.

Others tell you the road to riches lie through networking marketing or direct sales of their products. And while many of these advertised opportunities are legitimate some, unfortunately, are little more than veil attempts to wrest money from those who can least afford it. Do you remember an adage which says *its sound too good to be true, it probably is* How do you protect yourself from being taken?

Firstly, do your home work. Call people and company to ask question about the company that promise you wealth or get rich over night. Ask to speak to several people who have been in the business for over a year and see concrete evidence how much money they are actually making and how they go about it.

Secondly, ask yourself, what do I have to lose? For Example, let’s assume someone on TV is offering a home base study Course on how to get rich in real estate or make money at home with your personal computer. If the offer Course with a no risk, money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose but, time and shipping cost. Similarly, if a marketing company wants you to place a small product order to join its network (GNLD in Nigeria ) you have little to lose, but if you have to put up several thousand of Naira or purchase a large inventory of someone, products, an alarm should be ringing in your head.

 Thirdly, give yourself time to think things through before committing your time and money to any venture. It’s common for people who are looking for new career opportunities to go to rallies and seminars promising great business or great profit. All too often, the sponsors true objective is to whip the attendants into a mass buying frenzy and get them to commit their money to a one time only special offer.*Remember the story of Money-wise and penny-wise Investment* collected money from many Nigerian and ran away with their money in his pocket. Don't fall for such promises. Legitimate business people don’t operate like that way, be wise in choose who you deal with and make sure you have what it take, before you lieu yourself into any home base business.

 Finally, Note that there is no smooth way to financial freedom, you have to sacrifice your time, your ability, your brain and mind to attain the post you want in your life. To be sure there many legitimate business information source and opportunities for sales. Some people have gotten rich buying and selling real estate. Others have become wealth through direct selling, and networking marketing. And it’s possible to make large sums of money working at home with your PC. While all of these businesses may be right for someone, the issue is whether or not they’re right for you.


Let me assure, it is wonderful. After having been my own boss, the thought of getting up every day and going to work for someone else seems terribly unpleasant. But being your own boss and run everything within an home office, like everything else, has its own-set of problems.Here is some of the problems facing work at home or setting an home office and way out..

One of this new problems you're likely to encounter is a sense of what call ISOLATION and LONELINESS. After years of my experience as home-office owner, i have been bury and marry to what i do, which never give any chance to really enjoy life with family and friends, this can be a very daunting prospect. We all need people-contact. I will advice all home office runners to make it an habit to get out of the house at least once and preferably twice a day. Meet friends for lunch or dinner. Join a volunteer organization or home-base business group or forum of other entrepreneurs. Also exercise with friend stay in touch with friends via the phone, internet. Working alone or at home doesn't mean you have to be lonely. My dear home business runner, you just have to make a conscious effort to get out and see people as often as you feel the need. All this will help you eradicate the problem of Isolation and Loneliness in your chosen home business.

Second is how to Differentiate between your home office hour and your rest of life. As wonderful and interesting as your work may be, you need to turn it of when the day work is over. Otherwise, you 'ill burn out. Here is all you need to do, have a separate office space, preferably an entire room, that's reserved for work. If you don't have room for an office, put up a screen or some kind of partition around your work area. I advice to have a separate phone for your business which will only use during office hours. When you work is done, you want to be able to close the door on it, so you can turn yourself to be a good father/mother, husband, spouse, parent, neighbor, sport fans, friends or whatever.

Third problem you may likely to confront in running an home office is what i call Resisting all the temptation, interaction and distraction that can keep you from working or achieve your daily goal. Watching television, calling friends or visiting, been interrupt by family member, trading the refrigerator are all welcome distraction that keeps you away from what you need to do during an office time. The only way to overcome this, is by treating your home office or working hour like a job.The worst example of an home office setup that i can think of is a card table in a corner of your bedroom. Establish a separate place and a specific hours, so you can work without any distraction or interruption. Note that no television, no personal phone call, no food except break time. No any attention to family except is urgent and emergency in nature.

Fourthly, taken decision on what you going to achieve on a daily bases, i will advice to write all you need to work on done at every closing day, before next day work begins. Some people find it difficult to write all they need to get done and way they dress during an office hour. Do only work related task in your office, that will be another clue, that's time to go to work when you step in your office. Working from home is not a perennial vacation. Making a million doesn't come from hours you put in your work, but what you get done within your working hours.

Finally, another problem you may confront in your home office or working at home, is how to convincing friend, nei

ghbor and members of your family that working from home is work. You aren't on tap for a drop-in visits, watching their children, running errands, or listening to their problems during work hour of moment they see you in that place call office. Politely tell others, "This is my new job. If i don't make a good of it, i am going to have to get a new job or ask you to support me" They wouldn't dream of making such demands of you if you work in a traditional office setting.

Thanks for your time taken to read this blog post, if you find it helpful or useful don't hesitate to drop your comment.