Thursday 28 November 2013


Choosing a right business is like preparing for a journey from Lagos to Abuja, you prepare in several ways.
 Also, you have to have an accurate up to- date clearer of the road from Lagos to Abuja, just as important , you want to make sure that your vehicles is capable of getting you there in good time and in an enjoyable way. Therefore, your journey to financial freedom is very similar. You have to start off with the right plan and the belief that you can get from where you are to where you want to be. But you also need a vehicle that capable o getting you there in good time and in a way that is satisfying you.

 In short, you have to have a home base business that is for you. Before, we I can move further let’s consider some point. A serious Word of Caution If you read magazine, listen to the radio or watch television, you will find no shortage of people selling home base business opportunities and information on how to make money working from home, Common promises are that you can make a fortune from, lottery, gambling, placing ads, reading books and working with your personal computers.

Others tell you the road to riches lie through networking marketing or direct sales of their products. And while many of these advertised opportunities are legitimate some, unfortunately, are little more than veil attempts to wrest money from those who can least afford it. Do you remember an adage which says *its sound too good to be true, it probably is* How do you protect yourself from being taken?

Firstly, do your home work. Call people and company to ask question about the company that promise you wealth or get rich over night. Ask to speak to several people who have been in the business for over a year and see concrete evidence how much money they are actually making and how they go about it.

Secondly, ask yourself, what do I have to lose? For Example, let’s assume someone on TV is offering a home base study Course on how to get rich in real estate or make money at home with your personal computer. If the offer Course with a no risk, money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose but, time and shipping cost. Similarly, if a marketing company wants you to place a small product order to join its network (GNLD in Nigeria ) you have little to lose, but if you have to put up several thousand of Naira or purchase a large inventory of someone, products, an alarm should be ringing in your head.

 Thirdly, give yourself time to think things through before committing your time and money to any venture. It’s common for people who are looking for new career opportunities to go to rallies and seminars promising great business or great profit. All too often, the sponsors true objective is to whip the attendants into a mass buying frenzy and get them to commit their money to a one time only special offer.*Remember the story of Money-wise and penny-wise Investment* collected money from many Nigerian and ran away with their money in his pocket. Don't fall for such promises. Legitimate business people don’t operate like that way, be wise in choose who you deal with and make sure you have what it take, before you lieu yourself into any home base business.

 Finally, Note that there is no smooth way to financial freedom, you have to sacrifice your time, your ability, your brain and mind to attain the post you want in your life. To be sure there many legitimate business information source and opportunities for sales. Some people have gotten rich buying and selling real estate. Others have become wealth through direct selling, and networking marketing. And it’s possible to make large sums of money working at home with your PC. While all of these businesses may be right for someone, the issue is whether or not they’re right for you.

 So if you’re looking for someone to tell you what business to get into to make a millions, wake up. You’re following the wrong path, so you are still play follow the leader. No one can tell you what business is right for you and I’m not about to tell you. But just to show you the strategies which you could use when choose your business.
Thanks for reading this blog, hope is of use to your maximum understanding !


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