Wednesday 4 December 2013


To find a new ideas it involve mental work, i mean to create or to find a new great ideas you need to improve your ability to think clearly. For one to think clearly, they are principle and techniques to apply for new ideas to come out. These principle and techniques are what 'am going to expose to you here. In other to make it simple, i will divide this so call techniques into Five different parts. I will love you to make use of these techniques am about to share with you any-time you 're searching for answer to a problem. In the process of solving a particular problem, new idea comes out.
(1). First Insight: Dr. Thomas Edison, says Restless discontents are the first necessities of progress" The creative process start at the moment you discover problem and begin to focus on how to solve it or an activities you want to do. For example, you want to increase earning without increasing your working hour, you need to increase work done per hour and reduced time spend on a job. You want to double your business without increasing your overhead, you need to find new customers or keep more of the ones you already have. These are the typical examples of First Insight. Generating another way or ideas to solve problem may take months or years. But this first technique is very important. "Never underestimate the value of luck,but luck happen to people who know what they are looking for" says Michael Leboeuf.

(2). Preparation: Since you know where you are going, i mean now that the problem is known, next step is to do your home work and investigate as many ways as possible to solve the problem or expand the idea. Read, observe, take note, talk to people about it. Also ask question and collect information as much as you can get about issue. The more idea you can get about the subject, the better your homework, the greater is chances of your new ideas. 'am assuring you that, you will come up with the best new ideas after your thoroughly familiarize with the other's idea. This is the hardest and time consuming process of all, i will implore you to do it, because its very important. Note that "the best ideas comes to those who do their homework.
(3). Incubation: The word Incubation so familiar, you may think in medical term that is not what 'am talking here. Incubation here means allowing your subconscious to take charge while you try to let go the frustration and stress you have involve your brain and mind during the process of identification, preparation of the problem. Whenever you feel like you 're not make any progress, but that usually not the case, just part of the process.Whenever that happens, just turn everything to the subconscious. Don't do anything. You can take walk, take vacation, visit families,go out with friends, i mean let your thoughts go under ground. Lets me tell you most great decision are made at subconscious time. This process may be long or short, it will surely occur. A story most be simmer in its own juice for months or years before its ready to serve" says Edna Ferber. Whether months, years, long or short, its require by creative thinking that you give you subconscious to work in other to get great new idea or good result.

(4). Illumination: This is euphoric stage of creative process, when your subconscious suddenly deliver a smilingly great new idea to your concious mind. That's when word like, that is it! that's what 'am going to do! comes out of you mouth like stumble upon your old friend in an unexpected place, that is result of your subconscious mind deliver into your brain. It mean the great idea come at your least expected time and seems to appear out of nowhere. But the truly good insights usually occur after an extensive amount of preparation and incubation. Here are examples of those great people that allowed the process of "incubation" to work on their preparation and insight process in other to have it illuminate. Charles Darwin's theory came to him while riding in a carriage. And Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on him, while Archimedes got the insight for his law while bathing. But all these three men receive their creative insight after years of studying the problem.
(5). Verification: Once you get a new idea you need to evaluate its objective to determine if it's good or not. Like it or not, your creative process generate a lots of new ideas and most of them are what less. At this time back off your ideas and look them as objectively as possible. If it's an idea for new product or service, ask your customers what they think about it. Get as much candid and objective feedback as you can. Ask for ways to refine or improve on the idea to make it even better.I believe this technique 'ill be apply next time you are wrestling with major problem and trying to solve it. These technique base on, first, define the problem, write it down, do your homework and gather as much information,forget the problem and let your subconscious work on it. So that your mind can illuminate it for verification act of creative idea process to work on it. Here comes your new great idea. 

by Odeyemi Titus (cheun Folly).

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